“In a time of declining global Christianity, Maurie Daigneau presents clarity and truth not seen in contemporary Christian writing.”
Michael Maroney, President and CEO, Luxury to Legacy
Why I Wrote This Book
A little more than a decade ago, a popular author and leading pastor said the following: “I don’t think we’ve got the gospel right yet…” Of course, as one might expect, there were choruses of loud “Amens” from some quarters and those of vigorous disagreement from others. It was with no small amount of personal vigor that I found myself in agreement with his sentiment. This website (and book, The Gospel You’ve Never Heard, An Understanding That Will Change Your Life) will tell you why.
The gospel is purported to be a message of “Good News” communicated to the world some two thousand years ago. It came via a man who validated His identity as the Son of God by rising from the dead. The story of this Man, His message, and His life has been preserved for us in the book we call the Bible. It is the primary source for any and every faith perspective regarding this “Good News” and its faith outgrowth, Christianity. The wisdom the Bible contains is essential to any discussion if one hopes to find and understand the true reason that God sent His Son into the world.
“The book’s approachable writing style blends experiences from the author’s personal life […] with astute analysis of Christian philosophy and the Bible, including the New Testament’s original Greek. […] This book is designed for personal reflection as well as group study, and the author concludes each chapter with a ‘Deliberations’ section that assigns additional research and asks probing questions. […] An accessible and learned approach to Christianity.”
—Kirkus Reviews
There is only one possession I have that means more to me than my Bible, and that is the spiritual presence of its Author in my life.
The Bible hangs by a thread
The difficulty in today’s world is that the credibility of the Bible hangs by a thread, if at all. In his book Letter to a Christian Nation, noted atheist/author Sam Harris suggested that it is long past time to “admit that the Bible is merely a collection of imperfect books written by highly fallible human beings.” And similarly, in his book god is not Great, fellow atheist/author (the late) Christopher Hitchens wrote, “the case for biblical consistency or authenticity or ‘inspiration’ has been in tatters for some time, and the rents and tears only become more obvious with better research, and thus no ‘revelation’ can be derived from that quarter.”
While I understand their perspective, I don’t share it. I have been on my own Christian faith-life journey for over 48 years. There is only one possession I have that means more to me than my Bible, and that is the spiritual presence of its Author in my life. I have been taught to embrace the words on the pages of the Bible as the spiritual words that represent the spiritual thoughts that emanate from the mind of the only One any of us are to call “Teacher” (see 1 Cor. 2:12–16; also Matt. 23:8). The Bible tells us that the Son of God brought understanding into the world (see 1 John 5:20) and that by abiding (remaining) in the Bible (His word), we would know the truth of that understanding and that such an understanding would make us free (see John 8:31–32).
In his book, Maurie Daigneau helps us see beyond words about the gospel, the ‘good news’ of Jesus, to the meaning of the gospel as it applies to our moment- by-moment living. Is it possible that many of us who claim to be- long to Jesus are not truly following Jesus, in His way and on His terms? This author goes deeper with Jesus than most writers do. I’m thankful for that. I needed this book.
This is one of those rare books that address the spiritual crisis plaguing the US, a world where right and wrong are no longer objective, but relative, where morality is no longer grounded on spiritual principles but personal interests. He engages readers with questions that will push them to seek beyond the literal understanding of God’s word in order to discover the hidden import of the Gospel.
I am convinced that the true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, the true knowledge of Christ Himself, has been replaced in many churches with a doctrine designed to tickle the ear; it is a doctrine that has prevented people from knowing the truth as God intended it to be known and understood. Therefore, I am certain that what I am writing will challenge the current core beliefs of many. Such a challenge is meant to bring clarity and, in light of what is at stake, it may be a good thing for those beliefs to be challenged.
I am convinced that the true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, the true knowledge of Christ Himself, has been replaced in many churches with a doctrine designed to tickle the ear; it is a doctrine that has prevented people from knowing the truth as God intended it to be known and understood. Therefore, I am certain that what I am writing will challenge the current core beliefs of many. Such a challenge is meant to bring clarity and, in light of what is at stake, it may be a good thing for those beliefs to be challenged.
Maurie is most notably he a man of principle. While he certainly meets all the standard definitions of being principled, to me a more specific definition refers to the Biblical principles that guide his life. The Word is Maurie’s direct access to God (as it is for all of us) but the strength and degree of Maurie’s connection to the Word set him apart.
In the twenty-first century, an emphasis on ‘eternal security’ has replaced an invitation to a breathtaking life of holy obedience in the Spirit. We need to be reminded that the Lord Jesus is able to express His resurrected life through the believer such that he will attain eternal life. This book is for all who desire genuine change into the sanctifying life of Christ. It is a call to wholeheartedly obey the Lord Jesus.
Rediscovering The Bible
The Bible says that “understanding is a fountain of life to him who has it” (Prov. 16:22). This website has been established to bring to light understandings that have been lost to the church and the world for a very long time. They need to be rediscovered. Toward that end, there is nothing more important to an accurate understanding of the gospel than an accurate understanding of its frequently used terms and phrases. Here is just a partial listing of what you’ll be able to consider herein:
- the difference between “having faith” and “living by faith”;
- the difference between “full and exact” knowledge and “partial” knowledge;
- the message and reality of two salvations as opposed to one;
- the experience of “here and now” eternal life vs. one that can be realized only as a judgment day reward;
- a recognition of what it means to be in possession of the “mind of Christ”;
- an understanding of the only two spiritual conditions in which human beings exist: unregenerate and regenerate;
- a vivid picture of what it means to have the Lord “driving your spiritual car”;
- an accurate understanding of the word “obligation” and to whom it applies;
- an understanding of the “here and now” two-fold objective of the gospel and how that objective can be achieved;
- and, most of all, a recognition of the only One any of us are to call “Teacher.”
“understanding is a fountain of life to him who has it”
—Prov. 16:22
“This work by Maurie Daigneau is a powerful personal polemic against ‘easy believism’ and a lack of understanding of the biblical gospel, logically presented and scripturally defended. The gospel is more than mere words. It is a gracious work that a triune God works in a person characterized by obedience. As Maurie clearly reveals, the making of a follower of Christ is the creation of a duplicate.”
—Dr. R. Bruce Bickel
Founder and president of the Transformational Leadership Group
My goal is to offer an accurate understanding of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
“Great writing. Great personal voice. I’m genuinely excited to see how Maurie is interacting with perspectives other than his own with clarity and grace, allowing their ideas to stand on their own. He is simply presenting his perspective and letting readers make up their minds.”
—Ed Cyzewski
Author of Reconnect: Spiritual Restoration from Digital Distraction
Maurie Daigneau is many things: a Christian, a husband, a father, a theologian, an entrepreneur, a former athlete, coach, and mentor. As a young man, he was the quarterback and co-captain of Northwestern University’s football team, earning First Team All-Big-10 honors his senior year in 1971. He then went on to have a long and successful career as an entrepreneur, founding and running the pioneering athletic footwear company, Playmakers, Inc., and the national telecommunications firm, Affinity Corporation.
Along the way, Daigneau has lived an active life of faith. He earned an M.S. in Theological Studies from the Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois. He was the Wisconsin state director of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He has also been a consistent speaker and presenter at a variety of conferences, retreats, and events. Perhaps the greatest ongoing source of his faith is the weekly men’s Bible study group that he has led and been a participant in for over 30 years.
He is the father of 5 and grandfather of 13. He lives in Brookfield, Wisconsin with his wife of 47 years.
Speaking Opportunities
Maurie is currently available for speaking engagements (keynotes, seminars, workshops, panels) as well as media engagements. Please contact for inquiries and further information.