The beginning of wisdom is:
Acquire wisdom;
And with all your acquiring,
get understanding.
—Proverbs 4:7

We are in the midst of a spiritual and cultural crisis in the Christian world. Church attendance across most mainline denominations has been in decline for decades. Hypocrisy and scandal among church leaders are becoming commonplace. Secularism and moral relativism are replacing God-centric narratives as the predominant worldviews guiding and shaping the world we live in.
Why are so many leaving the church and so few compelled by a life devoted to God?
Maurie Daigneau believes this decline is the result of a general misinterpretation of the Gospel within the Christian world. His book, The Gospel You’ve Never Heard is a deeply personal, well-researched, and biblically sound argument for why we need to update our interpretation of the Gospel.
Maurie Daigneau is many things: a Christian, a husband, a father, a theologian, an entrepreneur, a former athlete, coach, and mentor. As a young man, he was the quarterback and co-captain of Northwestern University’s football team, earning First Team All-Big-10 honors his senior year in 1971. He then went on to have a long and successful career as an entrepreneur, founding and running the pioneering athletic footwear company, Playmakers, Inc., and the national telecommunications firm, Affinity Corporation.
Along the way, Daigneau has lived an active life of faith. He earned an M.S. in Theological Studies from the Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois. He was the Wisconsin state director of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He has also been a consistent speaker and presenter at a variety of conferences, retreats, and events. Perhaps the greatest ongoing source of his faith is the weekly men’s Bible study group that he has led and been a participant in for over 30 years.
He is the father of 5 and grandfather of 13. He lives in Brookfield, Wisconsin with his wife of 47 years.
In a time of declining global Christianity Maurie Daigneau presents a clarity and truth not seen in contemporary Christian writing. Maurie’s life has been dedicated to the constant pursuit of a full and complete understanding of God’s plan. His conclusions are based on countless hours of study and prayer in solitude, church, study groups and seminary. Thankfully, via this website and future writing projects, he has chosen to share the truth with us.
It has been a true blessing to call Maurie my friend, mentor and coach for 20 years. He has been a driving force in my life with tireless encouragement, conviction and wisdom. Words cannot express the gratitude that I have for the man and now his writings will become a treasure for us all.
—Michael Maroney, President/CEO, Luxury to Legacy, LLC.
Every week I meet with a group of men to explore and discuss matters of faith in the spirit of understanding the meaning in the Bible.
Speaking Opportunities
Maurie is currently available for speaking engagements (keynotes, seminars, workshops, panels) as well as media engagements. Please contact for inquiries and further information.